Dennis B. Kottler, MD

Westlake Village, CA

Appointments:   818-991-8376 



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Please See Also:  Subclinical Conditions - Identification and Treatment


Examples of Subclinical Conditions:


A 50 y.o. individual has been feeling mildly depressed and anxious, with "nervous energy," and general "boredom," for about 2 years.  A physician consultation ruled out medical causes.  Referral to a psychiatrist involved a 20 minute interview and then prescriptions for an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication.  This was followed by brief visits for medication management, with frequent changes of medications and dosages.  Nothing seemed to help. 

A 35 y.o. individual, an accountant, has been feeling anxious, sleeping poorly, and feeling a need to check and re-check client filings.  At home there is repetitive checking of doors and windows.  This started  about one year ago, when the individual's mother became ill.  In spite of these "habits" work has remained excellent, but there is constant stress, especially since everything takes much longer to do.  

A 52 y.o. individual reports problems with recent memory, "difficulty finding the right word," and an increase in anxiety.   There is also difficulty with multitasking, which was a strength in the past.  A neurological examination was negative.  These changes have been a source of great worry.  

A 27 y.o. individual reports problems with "constant worry," an impending sense of doom, and a feeling of being "wired." Sleep is also generally poor, with difficulty "shutting the mind off."  These symptoms have been a problem since the teenage years.  This individual has a high-paying job with significant responsibilities on the managerial level and continues to receive excellent performance reviews.  However, life is just not "enjoyable."

This 34 y.o. experiences difficulty in forming friendships and also has difficulty with coworkers.  Others report  an unfriendly and abrasive "edge."  This individual tries to get along with everyone and is not aware of coming across the way others perceive.  These issues have followed the individual throughout life and have been a source of much frustration.


Please See Also:  Subclinical Conditions - Identification and Treatment

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