Dennis B. Kottler, MD
Westlake Village, CA
Appointments: 818-991-8376
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Students of all ages can have problems in school. This topic is not just limited to young children. Sometimes the issues are developmentally related, and may signify a developmental "lag." In other cases, the problems may relate to specific psychiatric disorders. A common problem is Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), although this is not the only disorder that can cause a problem in school.
In CHILDREN, the following is an overview of the kinds of symptoms that may arise and some of the possible causes:
Restless and fidgety behavior and a tendency to disrupt the classroom
Consider problems at home - such as substance abuse or other abusive behavior in family members
Consider Obsessive Compulsive Disorders which can cause inappropriate behavior with disruptive rituals
Consider Learning Disorders
Consider "executive function disorders" leading to poor organizational and problem solving skills
Other causes of Inattentiveness and Absenteeism
Consider substance abuse
Consider socialization problems with peers and oppositional issues with authority figures
Bullying behavior in a young child
Consider problems in the home, issues of abuse and substance abuse in family members.
Consider anger issues - often related to issues in the home
Being the target of bullying behavior and being persistently "teased"
Consider issues which cause the child to be an "outlier" - someone who doesn't "fit in"
The child may be developmentally either delayed or advanced relative to peers
The child may have autistic spectrum disorder
The child may have socialization issues with peers
The child may find himself relating better to 'teachers' and other adult figures vs. peers
The child may have issues relating to gender identity or sexual orientation
In ADOLESCENTS and ADULTS consider the following behaviors and possible causes:
Problems with focus and a tendency to "drift off" in the classroom
Consider ADHD - see also Adult ADHD and Adult ADHD Self-Test
Consider Excessive Daytime Sleepiness - maybe be pathological or due to poor sleep hygiene
Consider Substance Abuse
Consider Excessive Daytime Sleepiness - maybe be pathological or due to poor sleep hygiene
Consider ADHD - see also Adult ADHD and Adult ADHD Self-Test
Consider Substance Abuse
Lack of Interest and Motivation
See Lack of Interest and Motivation
The first step is always an assessment.
Appointments: 818-991-8376